Tuesday, 4 January 2011

It's been a long time, how are you?

WOW! OMG! It's been ages, how are you, I'm fine I have been busy working on items for my shop, I finished my fabric challenge, here are the rest of my items that I didn't post.
No'4 in my challenge a Gypsy skirt using Emma Hardy's pattern
(easy to make even when using squares, just add squares until each panel matchs the length in the pattern)
No'5 in my challenge a Sew Hip's popover dress
from issue 6 (very easy to make)

No' 6 in my challenge a sleeveless top (another Emma Hardy pattern)

No'7 Emma Hardy's Smock top (a bit of a elastic problem for me

and the straps there too big but with a little adjustment all worked out well)
No' 8 My very own designed head scrap

No' 8 Emma Hardy's headband
So there you have it my challenge was finished in time (just!) sorry for the delay of nearly 6 months.
But now I'm setting myself another challenge, as my youngest is getting his first bed I'm going to make him a quilt and pillow set before the end of january and finish my eldest's quilt that I sadly start far to long ago really all I have to do is add the binding then it's done and I also want to make my middle children her coats (one waterproof and other woollen coat) from the lovely Oliver and S pattern and somehow make a quilt for my new sofa I'm getting in a few weeks possibly using Amy Butler fabrics and charm packs I got from http://www.cross-patch.co.uk/.
So my jan/feb challenge is to complete Summer's quilt, Make Elliott new bed set, make 2 coats for Polly and a quilt for me and my man.
I have a bad feeling about this as Han solo once said. 
Wish me luck.

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