Monday, 31 October 2011

Fund raising a week on

Happy Halloween to you all, if you have been follow me you may know about my wish to raise some money for my son's pre-school and so far I have managed to get 1/4 of my target since last monday, the reason to use the items I've made to raise money for the school was because my son's pre-school had items stolen and toys broken after the school goes broken into, some of the parents at the school have given toys to replace some of the things damaged but I want to replace the camera that was stolen.

Union jack cushion in vintage fabrics in stock

My aim is to raise £60 to get them a camera and so far I've raised £15.50 thanks to for starting the ball rolling last week. To help please visit my folksy shop to see what is availible to buy all money from each item sold will be going to the school fund, and be sure to pop back next week to see how well we have done this week.

Thank you for popping over.

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