Monday, 24 October 2011

Help me to help my son's pre-school

Last Monday my son and me arrived at pre school to find all the teachers outside to greet us but you could tell by their faces that something was wrong, one of them informed us that sadly they wouldn't be opening today as they was broken into and the police were on their way and for the safety of the children they couldn't open. So myself and my son made our way home.
The next day we found out more of what had happened, someone broke in to the main building then broke into the storage rooms (where toys etc) were kept during the break in toys were broken and items of value was stolen.
Two of my children have been to this pre-school and the teachers are lovely and to help them out I'm aiming to raise money for them to replace one of the items stolen. Each Monday I will blog to how much I've raised each Monday, to help visit my folksy shop all money from each item sold will go to the pre-school.

My aim is to raise £60 before the end of the term (15th December 2011) so far we have £2 after a sale at the weekend.

Thank you for reading and for helping
Zoe xx

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear the sad news but so glad my sale has gone to a good cause :o) hope you reach your target! xXx
