Monday, 5 December 2011

Preschool update - 10 days to go

Hi there, so sorry for not updating last week I missed my Monday blog spot with making up some Christmas presents for my family and I still have more to do.
But I'm not here to brag of what I've made (will do in another blog maybe) but what people have helped me raise by buying from my folksy shop.

So far my preschool fund has raised £47.00 still need a bit more to reach my £60 target. The money will be going to help the school replace some toys that got damages, I was going to get them a camera at first as theirs was stolen in the robbery but someone has already got them one which is lovely so it's toys they need for the boys more than anything.

Needle case in my Folksy shop now

I'm so grateful to everyone who has been helping me by buying from me or RTing over on twitter and I hope this time need week I can say we have hit the target.

Thanks Zoe x

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