Sunday, 24 June 2012

Lazy sunday afternoon

Hello all, it's Sunday it has gone past 12 in the afternoon and I'm still in my pj's having a lazy day, the children are tidying playing in their rooms and I'm here briefly before I try and make something different for lunch, most days we have sandwiches, crisps, chocolate biscuits and fruit but today I'm feeling the need for a treat so with are having pancakes with berries and bananas possibly maple or golden syrup and homemade smoothies using our Innocent smoothie book

Innocent Smoothie Recipe Book
As time is ticking on and the children are getting a little testy with each other I'd better get my apron on and make the best ever pancakes and try to make a decent job of smoothies.

Have a lovely day no matter how busy or lazy it is.

Zoe xx

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