Saturday, 25 August 2012

Week five of the hoildays

Week five is over and I don't feel like we've actually done much, I do know my children have taken the longest time ever to tidy their bedrooms but even days later I can happily say their are still fairly tidy, which does make me happy after the endless reminders to tidy it up.

I have also got my new washing machine after a week without one, I didn't have a weeks worth of washing to do as my parents and parents-in-law have helped, but I have found it so much better having a larger machine, I was a bit like a small child when I actually got to do some washing. I didn't realise how important it was to me, and it has some settings like 20' degree wash, extra rinse which will help when washing dark fabrics.

I haven't made much but here are my few little bits I've been working on

Vintage fabric skirt 2-3 years in my Etsy shop

New finger ring pincushion to save my jeans (and my legs)

My W.I.P. granny square blanket and my new crochet hooks.

Another pincushion for me, having a practise and using up jars from storage too.

I do have other things on the go but they aren't ready yet, I'll have something else to show you next week.

I told you there isn't much.

Zoe xx

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