Tuesday, 22 March 2011

More cushion ideas

You may (but probably may not) know that I have just completed a set of Dresden plate cushions for a close friend of mine who was leaving our hometown for the spray of the seaside, well after making them I thought about making more so when I was thinking hard (which I dislike as it hurts) I remembered but middle child's best friend's (who moved last year) birthday was in the later part of March so that was my inspiration for my latest cushion.
I decided to do a patchwork all of my own, I started with squared paper and a pencil I draw the actual size of the cushion and place a panel in the centre for a panel to add a name (after naming my children with less common names I was inspired to personalise) then I divided the two sections (top and bottom) with a patchwork sequence, I picked my fabrics, added the actual size (with 1cm seam allowance) each patch would need to be before I started cutting, then I began to cut and stitch it together.
I found it quite quick and addictive to make and within a few hours the front was completed then I had to sort out letters which was so much harder. In the end I found some fabric and some lettering I liked and added them to white felt before adding to the central panel. The back is a basic envelope closure again so is suitable for young children as well.

Here are some pics of my cushion and I'll be making some country cottage style ones for my shop (hopefully)

Amy's birthday cushion

Patchwork cushion using a mix of fabrics

Some fabrics are from fabricrehab.co.uk and FAVOURITE-FABRICS eBay shop
Zoe xx

1 comment:

  1. Wow - fab cushion. I love the colours and the fabrics you have used.
