Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Facebook Competition

Hello all, over on my facebook page I planned to do a competition when I reached 200 likes but now I have 300 likes so I'm doing a competition with two prizes.
I have had trouble deciding what the lucky winners will get, so after a lovely weekend at the seaside I came up with a Beach Hut tote bag as the first prize and for a second prize a Beach Hut glasses case.

To enter you will need to like my facebook page , and answer these 2 questions (inspired by my little boy's fasination with comic heros)

Q1. If you could be a superhero what would you be called?
Q2. What would be your super power?

The rules.
Please leave a comment below.
Like my facebook page,
and most of all have fun.

This competition is open for a weeks (ending on 31st May 2011 at 23.00 BST) and a winning will be picked at random on 1st June 2011 and be annoucned here and over a facebook so keep an eye on my status for the link.

Good luck all.

Zoe xx


  1. Morning, this has made me smile, I am sitting here feeling very sorry for myself as I have the most horrendous cold but the idea for your comp just popped into my head making laugh (which then led to a coughing fit!)
    My name would be the Woolly Wonder and my superpowers would be being able to yarn bomb from my hands, I would fire yarn bombs at bad guys that when they went off, the bad guys would find themselves totally tied up and unable to escape! Lame I know!

  2. I'd would be Stitch-Girl...I'd fly around and have everyone in stitches! I'd mend, repair and customise clothes around the world. Picture this...a city worker on her way to an important meeting...her hem comes down...oh no what is she going to do?....in fly's Stitch-Girl to save the day. I repair the hem in a flash and fly off as she says "wow! thanks Stitch-Girl you saved my day" as she looks at me in awe of my sewing capabilities....

  3. i would be the beaded wonder! i would use my bead tool to go around and make every one the perfect accessories and use head pins to pin the baddies down. xx

  4. I could never get past wonder woman - the waist - the boobs - the hair - the lasso! who could ask for more!! I couldn't come up with a better role model for a 7 year old!!! I know it wasn't the questions, but I WAS wonder woman and I have the scar to prove it!! (doing a twisting turn off a high window sill straight into the corner of a coffee table and straight to hospital!!!)

  5. I'm thinkin invisibility!

    That way I could spy on people, get free flights/holidays and hear all the gossip!

    Kayleigh Pearce xx

  6. Forgot my superhero name - The unseen drama queen ha! X
